Let go of running goals and Run For Fun!

Do you remember being a young child, and you just wanted to run all the time? Running to school, running upstairs, to your room, running to your friends’ house, running on the playground. Running, just because that felt best! As a child, did you ever run because of health reasons? Or to beat your personal record? Or did you, just because you simply liked to be running?

It’s interesting to realize how many runners, have set specific running goals or health-related targets. Some like to improve overall fitness or endurance, others like to run faster or further, and a lot of people run to lose some weight or to release some stress. All are fantastic reasons to run of course, but when we continuously focus on our goals, we tend to run with our heads instead of with our hearts! We keep track of data and analyze them, but we may forget about the joy of running.

Let’s try to have More Fun 2 Run! Go and play outside, run slower, go for walk every now and then, or stop to take a nice picture, breathe slowly and smell the fresh air, feel the wind, the rain, or the sunshine and appreciate every type of weather,  enjoy the surroundings, notice things along the way, that you’d never noticed before, feel the energy!

And, without even noticing, you will become a better runner and a healthier person. But most importantly you will become a happy runner, with more energy and less stress. I truly wish you all MOREFUN2RUN!

If you would like some tips or playful exercises on how to re-discover the FUN of running again, please send me an e-mail at angelique@morefun2run.com or leave your comment below and I will get back to you. Thank you for sharing this post on social media. 😉

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