
Run, Fuel, Breath, Recover, and Smile

for More Energy and a Better Mood

The base elements of a Happy & Healthy lifestyle are regular exercise, optimal breathing, enough sleep, less stress, and good nutrition.  MoreFun2Run hopes to inspire and support you to get fit and feel energized, less stressed, and in a better mood. We promote regular running, a well-balanced diet, breathing exercises, meditation, mindfulness & playfulness, and proper recovery for body and mind. With running you can be your own personal energizer and mood enhancer.

What we’re offering

On this MorefFun2Run website, you’ll find a wide range of running-related topics, including nutritional tips and free training plans, breathing exercises, and meditation methods. We’ve got certified instructors and coaches for:

Please click on the topics below to be forwarded to the page of your interest:





MoreFun2Run is happy to share our own running experiences. We’ve got articles on training, recovery, and injury prevention, and there are several free training schedules for every level athlete: from novice to (half)marathon runners.





MoreFun2Run is a big fan of mindful runs. Find out what a mindful run is, and why it helps you relieve stress, gain more energy, and get in a better mood. In Ljubljana Slovenia, we offer several Mindful Run® courses & workshops, that will teach you how to apply mindfulness techniques to running. We alternate running, walking, playful fun games, and breathing techniques. Being completely caught up in the present moment, while being physically active in the fresh outdoor air is perfect to relieve stress and feel energized afterward.





Many people over-breath (too much, too fast, too shallow) without knowing it. To help you improve your breathing, our MoreFun2Run’s founder, Angelique Pascaud, will soon start offering Breathwork training and workshops as a certified Oxygen Advantage Instructor.  On this page, you’ll find free breathing exercises that you can easily do at home.  With better breathing techniques you will be able to improve athletic performance, metabolism, and the quality of sleep. And it will also help lowering stress levels. Better oxygen uptake by the cells will improve your energy management.





Regular meditation has been linked to decreased levels of stress, improved focus, and concentration, increased feelings of relaxation, better sleep, and better performance and recovery. By incorporating meditation into our routines, runners can not only improve their performance but also enhance their overall physical and mental well-being. This page will help you balance daily stressors and relaxation, with free powerful meditation exercises that you can practice on your own.





To be able to burn calories to provide energy for our runs, we need to fuel our bodies with healthy nutrients. After each workout, we need to restore our resources. Our MoreFun2Run’s founder, Angelique Pascaud, a certified Sports Nutritionist, will share tips to fuel and hydrate your body properly.





In our opinion living a happy & healthy life means taking good care of ourselves, and that of our families, homes, and the world around us.  Check out our NeoLife Solutions to make you FEEL GOOD-LOOK GOOD-LIVE BETTER! Our range of Nutritionals, Personal Care, and Home Care products, will contribute to your well-being & happiness and also to a more sustainable world.





Our bodies need to be refueled and allow time to rest and recover again. But we don’t just need physical replenishments. As we receive non-stop impulses throughout the day, our brain needs to switch off and recharge as well! This page will give you more information about the importance of rest and recovery.





In our blog posts, we’ll update you with relevant running & lifestyle articles, such as:

  • ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Tips &  tricks to improve your mental and physical energy levels
  • TRAIN THE BRAIN: How to stay motivated, focused, and disciplined
  • COLD THERAPY: Strengthen your willpower, optimize the immune system, and feel more energized
  • BOOKS:  Inspirational books for runners





MoreFun2Run will list and state our opinion on running gear that we use ourselves.  Running shoes, clothing, electronics, water bottles and vests, and other runners’ gadgets.





There are many runners’ and lifestyle books. Check out MoreFun2Run’s favorites. The contents of our selection vary from particular training methods, running programs, mental motivation, nutrition plans, or how to set goals and make progress. Hopefully, they’ll be inspiring and useful.