Mindful Run® Courses & Workshops

With the word mindful, many people visualize a quiet meditation performed on a yoga mat. But that’s certainly not the case during a Mindful Run®. Because our bodies will be active! And while we shift focus to a controlled breath, we will calm down our brains.

Our courses and workshops will teach you how to apply mindfulness techniques to physical activities. It will be a playful and varied session in the fresh outdoor air.  We will alternate running, walking, fun games, and several breathing exercises.

The Mindful Run® Course includes five weekly sessions of 1.5 hours. The Workshops are single sessions of 1.5-2 hours. Both, the course and the workshops can be done as a group or individually.

Think less, Feel more

During a Mindful Run®, we’ll activate all our senses to become more aware of our bodies, our breathing, and our surroundings. It will free our minds from our busy schedules and daily stress while being physically active. This will result in lower stress levels and more energy!


Mindfulness basically means paying attention to what happens right here in this present moment, without any judgment about it. When we are mindful of our actions, we pay more attention to what we are doing and tune into our senses. While being “in the moment”, we observe and see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.

Mindful Run®

Mindful Run® combines mindfulness techniques with easy runs, walks, and fun games.  It can be described as playing outdoors, just like young children do. Running for fun! We shift focus away from our thoughts to what we are actually doing, right here, right now.

Optimized breathing for the brain and body

During a Mindful Run®, we also practice several breathing techniques. Focussing on our breath will promote a calmer mind and more awareness of our bodies and surroundings. A controlled breath also has a positive impact on our physical state,  because it directly affects the usage of our body’s energy resources. A Mindful Run® with optimized breathing will therefore leave us mentally and physically more energized afterward.

Let go of your ego

During our mindful runs, we don’t set specific running goals like personal time records or increasing distance. We keep our pace at an easy-moderate level. Sometimes we will even stop to wonder about nature or do another breathing exercise. The goal is not to win a race. The purpose of Mindful Run®  is to LOWER STRESS LEVELS, GAIN MORE ENERGY, AND HAVE FUN OUTDOORS.

Check out this video for an impression of a Mindful Run®  >>CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO<<

For novice to experienced runners

Mindful Run® is suitable for every fitness level. It is set up in such a way that both the advanced and the novice runners will be able to participate. The great thing about the course is that you will be able to use and benefit from mindfulness and breathing techniques not only during sports but throughout your everyday life! You’ll experience more energy and lower stress levels, even when you are not running.

And the Results?

Improved breathing, better focus, easier runs, faster recovery, less stress, and more energy. By practicing Mindful Runs, you might even (re)discover the love for running because you’ll feel so much better. You’ll smile, glow and feel an energy boost from being active in the outdoor air!

Mindful Walk/Run® Slovenia

Mindful Run® is well known in The Netherlands, where the concept was developed. For several years Angelique Pascaud  -certified Mindful Walk/Run® Instructor and the founder of MoreFun2Run-  has been offering Mindful Walk/Run® Courses and Workshops in Budapest, Hungary. In 2022 her practice moved to Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Mindful Walk/Run® GROUP COURSE – 5 sessions

In our 5-session Mindful Run® Group course, you will learn skills and exercises to relieve mental stress while being physically active and having fun outdoors. It will help you to become more resilient, and to maintain a strong body and immune system.  In five consecutive weeks, we ( in a group of 4-10 people) will gather weekly for 1.5 hours of mindful run training. After each session, you will receive some tips on how to practice the new skills in your daily life.  Every week we will focus on different aspects of running, breathing, and mindfulness.

Example of a group course day

  • 09:00 am: Start course, warming-up exercises, fun games
  • 09:10 am: Breathing, Flexibility, and/or Strengthening exercises
  • 09:15 am: Experience different Running Techniques, create body awareness, shift your thoughts, and use your senses.
  • 09:45 am: Run and Recover,  using various Breathing Techniques
  • 10:00 am: Mindfulness & Fun exercises for body and mind
  • 10:15 am: Cooling down, Stretching, and Body-scan
  • 10:30 am: End of training


For those of you who aren’t sure yet whether you want to commit to a 5-session course, a Mindful Run® Workshop of 1.5 hours might be a good one.  If you wish us to organize this for your own group (4-10 people) or for you personally in a 1-on-1 session, just contact us to discuss the options. 

During the workshop, the basic principles of Running Mindfully will be explained. After the warm-up, we’ll perform an easy run,  while we focus on your current running style. You will receive some practical tips on body posture and running techniques for optimizing energy levels to sustain long(er) runs. We’ll do an easy run again, applying the running tips to feel the difference. Several breathing exercises will be practiced before, during, and after running. We’ll alternate easy running at a low pace,  walking, physical exercises, breathing, and fun mindfulness games.  The variation of activities will help you shift focus to the present moment and make you more aware of the surrounding nature. After the cool down and stretching you will realize that in the last 1.5-2 hours, your mind was totally “distracted”  from your daily worries and you’ll feel more relaxed and energized.

Experience Mindful Walk/Run® in Ljubljana

Mindful Walk/Run®  is a lot of outdoor fun, that will boost your energy levels! It is the perfect way to clear your mind, relieve mental stress, and gain more energy while being physically active.
  • Learn how to recognize your running form
  • Optimize your breathing
  • Discover how body and mind work together
  • Learn how to shift mental focus to sustain your runs
  • And most importantly: Experience a positive vibe and gain more energy for the rest of your day!

Let’s have MoreFun2Run and join us on the next Mindful Run® !!!

UPCOMING COURSES Mindful Walk/Run® Ljubljana


All Mindful Run® Group courses go for five consecutive weeks. In a group of 4-10 people, we will gather weekly for 1.5 hours of mindful run fun in the beautiful outdoor areas of Ljubljana.

  • Dates & Times:  to be announced soon
  • Duration: five weekly sessions of 1.5 hours
  • Location: Tivoli Park & Zoo area – Ljubljana Slovenia
  • Price:  €129 per person for all 5 sessions. Cash payments are direct to the Instructor at the start of the 1st-course day.
  • Group size:  4 -10 participants
  • Mindful Run® Instructor: Angelique Pascaud E-MAIL
  • For more info or to sign up, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page

UPCOMING WORKSHOPS Mindful Walk/Run®Ljubljana 

Our Mindful Walk/Run® workshops are one session of mindful walking, running, moving, and having fun in the beautiful outdoor areas of Ljubljana.



If you are a group of 4 or more people and you wish to do a workshop for your own group privately, then please contact us to discuss the possibilities. You can fill out the registration form at the bottom of this page or send us an e-mail.


If you wish to do a one-on-one Mindful Run session, then please contact us to discuss the possibilities. You can fill out the registration form at the bottom of this page or send us an e-mail.

Alternative options

Please contact me by E-MAIL to discuss alternative options, such as different dates/times/locations, or a Mindful Walk® instead of a Mindful Run®.  Different rates may apply for customized courses and workshops.

How to Register

Please fill out the MINDFUL RUN® COURSE & WORKSHOP FORM below, and please wait until the confirmation of successful registration pops up.  For unclear reasons, the confirmation screen doesn’t appear sometimes. Apologies for the inconvenience if that’s the case. Please try again or contact me directly by  E-MAIL.  I will get back to you within a working day. Thank you!