Yoga benefits for Runners

Yoga and running make a very good combo! Yoga ensures strong and flexible muscles to make our runs more pleasant and better. That’s why more and more athletes are adding yoga sessions to their training schedules.

Yoga goes hand in hand with a Mindful Run®

Both Yoga and Mindful Run® are about your body and mind. Especially if it’s combined with conscious breathing techniques. Not only will you become more flexible, but you’ll also improve balance and focus. If you’ll apply yoga exercises regularly, you will experience what it does for your body and mind.

Yoga benefits for runners

1. Improved body perception. Very helpful for trail runners to notice changes in running conditions, like an uneven surface.

2. Improved body awareness. Useful to recognize body signals earlier and prevent overtraining or injuries.

3. Better mobility and flexibility for the whole body, so less stiffness after an intense workout.

4. Improved breathing and breath control, which will help you sustain longer runs and manage your energy levels.

5. Improved Mental Focus.

Clear your mind and keep in shape

Running is a great sport to stay fit, but it can be an injury-prone sport as well. With yoga, you will make your body more flexible and stronger. And you will also improve balance.

More Fun 2 Run

MoreFun2Run is all about better and more enjoyable running. Not only to get a healthier body but also to gain more energy and a happier state of mind. To build fitness, maintain energy levels and prevent injuries or other physical complaints, we like to promote:

Join us on a Mindful Run®

Do you wish to be part of some outdoor forest fun that will boost your energy levels? Come and join us on the next Mindful Run®!


What is Mindful Run?

Each 1.5hr session has the perfect combination of Running, Yoga, Strength training, Mindfulness, and Breathing Techniques. It will clear your mind, relieve mental stress, and make you smile while being physically active!  Mindful Run® is suitable for every level runner. We won’t be non-stop running for 1.5hrs, we will only run at an easy, relaxed pace, and we don’t aim for long distances. There are no running targets, we just want to be ACTIVE, HAVE FUN & GAIN ENERGY! So from novice to advanced, everyone will be able to join!  WATCH THIS MINDFUL RUN VIDEO
Let’s have MoreFun2Run and check out the date for the upcoming Mindful Run® 5-weeks Group Course (March/April 2022). Or contact me for a Mindful Run® Private Session or Group Workshop of 1.5hrs.  or mobile number (+36)707035807. Looking forward to run with you!
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