
Welcome to our MoreFun2Run website, where I’d like to share personal running experiences, and knowledge of breathing techniques, stress relief, and nutrition. I hope to inspire a healthy lifestyle, including joyful running!

High Energy

Our mission is to motivate and empower you to balance stress and boost your energy levels. Small changes in your daily habits, such as eating, sleeping, moving, and breathing, can make a huge difference. It will automatically affect your running as well.  


We expose our bodies and minds to all kinds of stress. Stress in itself is not bad, as long as we allow enough rest as well. It’s all about finding the right balance: Training vs Recovery, Eating vs Fasting, Brain Activity vs Relaxation, etc..  Balancing the stressors in our system will help prevent all kinds of complaints, diseases, and injuries.

Our vision: Fit body & Happy state of mind for everybody

A fit body and a happy state of mind will not only make running easier, better, and more enjoyable. It will make your daily life better! That’s why MoreFun2Run likes to promote:

  • regular physical activity
  • sufficient rest to recover
  • balanced and varied training
  • functional breathing
  • healthy nutrition and eating habits
  • running mindfully
  • being playful outdoors
  • daily meditation
  • sufficient good quality sleep


My name is Angelique Pascaud and I am the founder of this webpage. I was born and raised in The Netherlands. Since 2007 my family and I have been expatriated to almost every continent on the globe. Since my childhood, I have been practicing sports competitively (swimming, tennis, European handball), but over the last couple of years, I’ve developed a true passion for running in particular.

Noosa half marathon 2017

From ZERO to Half Marathon within a year

It started with an easy, just-for-fun run, which shortly after grew into a more intensive and even competitive running hobby. I guess, I caught the runner’s fever! I’ve always liked to challenge myself, and so I purchased a GPS watch with a heart rate monitor and followed training schedules to improve endurance, pace, and overall fitness. My first half-marathon was in Noosa (QLD) in Australia, and although I felt completely drained afterward, I thought it was a fantastic experience. I became hungry for more, and thought: “Maybe I could beat my PR? Maybe I could even run a full marathon?” So I resumed training the day after….

Seriously injured

We all make mistakes in life, and so did I. After the half marathon I decided to train more frequently and more intensively towards my next running goal: run faster, run more!

As I was unaware of the risks of my fanatic approach, I overreached. Gradually I developed a nasty and very stubborn heel injury, called plantar fasciitis. And because I didn’t allow it to recover properly, I did more damage than good, which resulted in an additional heel bone stress fracture plus a mid-foot injury.

A frustrating, long recovery

The intensive training on non-supporting running shoes caused way too much stress to my high-arched feet that (as I found out later) are over-pronating. One-and-a-half years of severe pains followed.  For months, I could hardly walk. I got frustrated not being able to run, so I was desperately searching for anything that would help me to speed up the recovery process!

Online Help and Home remedies

Unfortunately, I was living in a developing country at that time, where access to local medical professionals was not available. So I turned to “Dr. Google” for helpful information. As patience is not exactly my strongest competence, you can imagine the number of hours I spent online. I did research on all possible home remedies, treatments, tools, and accessories that I could use to reduce pain and speed up recovery.

Professional medical treatments

At one point I could hardly stand on my injured foot, so I traveled abroad for professional health care. After I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis by a podiatrist, I  had customized orthotics made.  I also purchased fitted running shoes (with the right support and shock absorption).  And several additional treatments followed: cortisone injections, trigger point massages, and dry needling.

Home remedies

I got so desperate about the duration of the recovery,  that I decided to add several home remedies too: self-massage, contrast hydrotherapy, foot strengthening, and stretching exercises. I even wore Plantar Fasciitis socks and braces. Some of them certainly helped to reduce the pain a bit, but they were not speeding up the recovery. It simply needed more patience!

Online Sports Injury Physio Therapy

The best online help that I found was through The Online Sports Injury Physio.  I can really recommend this website! The owner, Maryke Louw, has helped me a lot with PF-specific foot exercises, stretches, and home treatments.

morefun2runThe MoreFun2Run website was “born”

It’s been quite a journey to find all kinds of (self-)treatments for my injuries.  I realized that worldwide there are millions of athletes that suffer from all kinds of injuries and other runner’s problems. That’s when I decided to share my experiences online with other runners. It was the initial start of this Morefun2run website.

Injury Prevention

After step-by-step rehabilitation, I finally got fully back to running (yay!). This whole journey has taught me a big lesson: the best way to deal with injuries is to keep them from happening. Injury prevention became a higher priority!

I was lucky to meet and learn from inspiring athletes, run coaches, yoga and meditation teachers, mindfulness specialists, nutritionists, and friends in Netherlands & Budapest. I discovered fantastic training programs and along the way, I decided a career switch: lifestyle coaching.

Education & Certifications

Digging deeper into the world of runners taught me that running is so much more than “just running”. It’s not only about athletic performance and accomplishments.  Running is even more about the joy of being outdoors, freedom, adventures, and good vibes. It’s about the energy! That’s why I decided to gain more knowledge:

MoreFun2Run topics

Through this website and our social media, I will share my knowledge and personal experiences.  I will post tips on how to live a more balanced lifestyle with less stress and higher energy levels. And how to run better, and make your run more fun!

At morefun2run.com you will find the following articles :

  • Run training and recovery
  • Endurance, strength, and flexibility training
  • Running shoes, clothing, and accessories
  • Running Injuries & Issues: prevention, (self-)treatments, and home remedies
  • Mental training
  • Stress relief, energy management, and Mindful Running
  • Runners’ Nutrition and Eating habits
  • Breathing techniques
  • Cold training
  • Sleep

When to consult professional medical help

If you are suffering from injuries, physical pains or discomfort, or mental issues, it is crucial to find professional (medical) advice on what to do and what to avoid. Always consult a doctor or medical (sports) specialist.

Better & More enjoyable runs

Running should not be a struggle, but FUN!  Pain- and stress-free running will lead to better performance and a better mood!  And that’s what MoreFun2Run is all about:  living a healthy, balanced lifestyle with joyful runs.  I wish you tons of energy and positive vibes!

If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an e-mail at an*******@mo*********.com or leave a comment below. I am more than happy to help you out.

I hope you will all have More Fun 2 Run! All the best!



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5 years ago

Great Post Angelique. Very informative and easy to read. Well I haven’t experienced plantar fasciitis myself, my sister has and she has been in a great deal of pain. I will recommend she review your site.

Hector Lopez
5 years ago

Hi Angelique, sorry to hear of all the injuries you had due to running. I to run, though I had not for awhile. But I did run on a regular basis. I had run in the snow and rain. I loved to run when it was hot and sunny, just so I could break a swet. I guess I was lucky that I never got a injury from running. Your site is nice and not to over crowded. A lot of info. on running and how to take care of yourself, so to keep running. Nice images too.

5 years ago

Hello Angelique

I myself had been dx with plantar fasciitis a year ago. I really didn’t pay much mind to it until it got worse. I regret not doing the stretching exercises back then because I’m still in pain. I’m working on it with stretching and such.

I loved the way your site is laid out and very clean and easy to understand. You have a lot of information available about how to take better care of your body, especially your feet when doing any type of physical activities.

I’m not a runner but have often thought about taking that up and train for a marathon. Also have thought about kickboxing too, I think that it’s a good physical workout without the same monotonous moves. Great site, Angelique.

5 years ago

Hi Angelique, I hope you are getting well now? Are you started again to train for a marathon? I’ll follow you and I’m very interested in your success.
I wish you all the best.

5 years ago

He Angelique, very Nice and informative to read your site. Unfortunately i have the same complaints as you had. I’m going to work on it with your tips. Hopefully i’m pain free in A while. Maybe i’ll run A marathon too someday?
Good Luck with everything!!

4 years ago

Hi Angelique,
Thanks for the advise, it really motivates to start running!
Regards Wouter

Tom Tabor
Tom Tabor
4 years ago

Hi Angelique,

We often forget how important footwear is in preventing excessive stress on our body mechanics when we exercise or run…most of us do not even understand the need of fitting proper footwear appropriate to our individual foot shape and even body size…I was one of them…great site, thank you.
Just wonder if you are totally recovered and back running? Also, as a matter of interest, I am in Australia but my sister is living in Tilburg since 1979.
Warm regards
Tom Tabor

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